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Child Custody and Joint Guardianship in a Divorce

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If you have split up with your spouse and are facing a child custody Auburn battle, you may be wondering how to get the best custody arrangement. National Family Lawyers that joint guardianship is best for your child. This type of guardianship ensures that both parents are responsible for equal parenting time, contact, and decision-making. The National Family Lawyers also provides for joint guardianship if one parent is unable to raise the child in a positive and productive manner. Joint guardianship can help you decide who will receive the child, as well as determine regular physical care, child support, and more.

Regardless of your age or financial circumstances, National Family Lawyers provides comprehensive and practical legal advice regarding child custody issues in Auburn. The Family Law Act 1975 protects children from harm. Therefore, arrangements for a child must be made in the child’s best interests. A successful mediation can lead to a favorable court order. However, there are some factors to consider before agreeing to a mediator. A mediator should be neutral, not take sides, and not make decisions.

In a child custody dispute, the court will consider the best interests of the children. In many cases, the court will look to the best interests of the child and will make a decision based on that. For example, a parent may not be able to see their children for a year after the separation. If the child is unable to be with their mother after separation, the court will decide on who will have custody. If both parents are not willing to meet this standard, they may find that they are unable to reach an agreement.

A parenting plan will guide you through the difficult decisions regarding the child’s welfare. Usually, the parties to a divorce will attend a mediation session in order to resolve outstanding issues. An experienced family law attorney can advise you on this process. The focus of the mediation process is the best interests of the children. Child custody Auburn means determining the living arrangements and the schedule for the children. For younger children, this may be the best option.

In joint custody, the children will spend two to three weeks with each parent. Joint custody is not uncommon among some families. In this situation, a parent may even have their children live in the same home. If this is not possible, the court can make an order that allows both parents to spend equal time with the child.

While a majority of contested cases result in sole custody for the mother, fathers can also apply for joint custody of their children. If a parent wishes to retain sole custody of the child, the court will typically award sole custody to the mother. In these situations, however, only 3% of cases will go to court. Instead, a family member may choose to make an informal agreement with the other parent. If this arrangement is unsuccessful, the court will place a temporary custody arrangement while the case is being heard. The court will use discovery to gather information from the other side.

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